That means you've got about 2,000 hours of useful life left on that truck. Perhaps you feel confident, though, that you can get to 9,000 hours. Using that information, you estimate that the operating conditions of your facility mean you'll probably not be able to get to 10,000 hours. And you know that the upper limit for useful hours on a forklift is around 10,000 hours. You’ve considered all the factors that go into new and used pricing, what the prices are, how long a forklift can last, and what the major advantages and disadvantages of buying new and used are. And using what you’ve read in our post here, you feel it's a good price for the offer.

Once we finish the example, you'll understand how to use the specifics of your own situation to calculate this important number for yourself.

If you feel that 4 hours run time isn't enough, or if the battery is pushing 4 or 5 years of age, or if the thought of gambling on a used battery just plain makes you queasy, it might be advisable to buy a new battery. That equates to roughly 4 hours of usage before a charge is required. The dealer should offer a battery that is 80% or better. Next, make sure to ask what capacity the battery tested out at. A battery should last roughly 5 years (if maintained and not used excessively). Then, ask for the make and year of the battery. Thus, make sure to ask the seller if the truck you’re looking at includes a battery.